June 28, 2019

Why Do Intermittent Fasting?

A simple answer to this question is that Intermittent Fasting is a very safe and effective method to burn excess fat from your body, help lose weight and provide regenerative benefits as well.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Fasting is the abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink.

Intermittent Fasting is alternating between a period of fasting and a period of feeding.

During a fasting period, you would typically abstain from food altogether and only consume liquids that would not bring you out of a fasting state.

During a feeding period, you consume the same type and amount of food as you would normally but within a specified period (ie. 8 hours).  

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting provides your body with numerous benefits.  Click through the tabs below to learn more about some of the main benefits:

  • Physical 
  • Mental
  • cellular
  • Fat Loss With an extended period of fasting (12 hours or more) the body starts to tap into fat stores.  So the more often you do Intermittent Fasting, the more fat you burn for energy and as an end result, you lose weight.
  • Muscle Gain Yes, you can actually gain muscle while Intermittent Fasting. However, you must strategically activate mechanisms in your body and consume the proper foods to do this.

Steps For Intermittent Fasting


Choose a Fasting and Feeding Period

In order to allow your body to adjust to an Intermittent Fasting schedule, it is suggested you gradually increase your fasting period and decrease your feeding period.  In order to ease into Intermittent Fasting, we suggest starting with the following:

Fasting Period TO Feeding Period

Week 1 to 4
12 hours : 12 hours

Week 5
14 hours : 10 hours

Week 6
14.5 hours : 9.5 hours

Week 7
15.5 hours : 8.5 hours

Week 8
17 hours : 7 hours

Week 9 to 10
17.5 hours : 6.5 hours

Week 11 to 12
18 hours : 6 hours


Fasting Period

True Fasting requires abstaining from all kinds of food or drink.  The good news is with Intermittent Fasting you don't have to deprive yourself of nutrients completely.  During a fasting period it is recommended to intake only the following:

  • Water
  • Tea
  • Coffee

It is also important to note that the above items should be taken plain.  This means no sugar, creamers or other high calorie-containing additives that will bring you out of a fasting state.


Feeding Period

During your feeding period, it is highly recommended you choose foods that are not only healthy but contain the right kind of nutrients.

Your body needs the proper building blocks to renew cells throughout your entire body.  It doesn't make sense to feed your body junk or harmful food that will only make you feel worse.

A meal I have during my feeding period is my version of a Keto Salad that you can find here Featured Recipe: My Keto Salad

Final Thoughts

Intermittent Fasting is a simple and easy to follow regimen that will allow you to gain many health benefits.  If looking and feeling better are your goals, we highly suggest you try this method.

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In 2019, I decided to make my health a priority and I want to help others reach their health goals.

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